AIFD not only polished my creative skills but also equipped me with technical skills which helped me to embark my career with HSY in the fashion industry. The fact that AIFD promotes its students to experiment and turn their innovative ideas into design, is its real charm. I am proud to be alumni of AIFD.

My last degree — Bachelors in Fashion Design, from AIFD, has encouraged me to challenge the boundaries of traditional fashion design and to explore opportunities offered by the industry. The construction classes have allowed me opportunities to broaden my horizon about the minute details which matters in the industry.

AIFD has given me education and experience beyond the classroom walls. Development of my interpersonal skill and enhancement of my network during my time at AIFD has played a prominent role in my career. From my job at Shehla Chatoor, Charles & Keith and Pedro to Shamsha Hashwani, AIFD has definitely bolstered my confidence and abilities.

Graduating from AIFD in Fashion Marketing and Merchandising was instrumental for my career and vocational growth. It polished my conceptual and technical skills, gave me great exposure and knowledge of the industry and helped me be a better version of myself in professional life.

My academic journey at AIFD has been an eye-opener that fashion is above and beyond glamor. From a creative marketing strategy to merchandise, production and retail planning, exceptional faculty equipped us with all the skills and insights for effective fashion brand building. Owing to my experience of working at fashion weeks, leading group projects, I was able to start my career with great stride at multiple renowned places. To be thankful to AIFD would be an understatement.