CEO’s Message

I welcome all of you to AIFD and hope that we may all be able to take advantage of all that AIFD has to offer and seize this wonderful chance to achieve our goals and dreams.
With the fashion and textile industry growing in leaps and bounds, there has never been more emphasis laid upon obtaining a degree in these programs. There really is no comparison between someone who has no fashion or textile design degree and someone who does. Ultimately, education is the biggest commodity in these highly-competitive industries, and therefore any advantage that you can gain over someone else will come in the form of education. Equipped with a highly-qualified and a distinguished faculty and backed-up by a purpose-built state-of-the-art campus, AIFD has been imparting quality education to students for more than two decade now. The focus at AIFD has always been on students and faculty whose candidness and ability to intelligently inquire will help craft the future.
Today, it gives me immense pleasure to hear what AIFD graduates are doing; places they have gone, jobs they have undertaken, businesses they have launched and recognition, both locally and also internationally, they have received.
Sanober Ahsan